

Because the T-reflex is not as sensitive to presynaptic inhibition as the H-reflex (Morita et al., 1998 H. Morita, N. Petersen, L.O.D. Christensen, T. Sinkjær and J. Nielsen, Sensitivity of H-reflex and stretch reflexes to presynaptic inhibition in humans, J Neurophysiol 80 (1998), pp. 610?620. View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (72)Morita et al., 1998), we must consider the possibility that a change in presynaptic inhibition caused the increase in Tmax/Hmax ratio in PD. The presynaptic inhibition on Ia terminal of the soleus motoneuron decreased in PD (Morita et al., 2000), which should cause the H-reflex to increase rather than the T-reflex. The decrease in presynaptic inhibition, therefore, reduced Tmax/Hmax, which was the opposite of our result.